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Attendance Expectations at Stopsley High School

We want students to attend school every day to ensure they benefit from the experience and opportunities the school offers. Regular attendance at school is essential to ensure uninterrupted progress and to enable children to fulfil their potential. There is a clear link between good attendance and students achieving the top grades in their exams


The pupils with the highest attainment at the end of key stage 2 and key stage 4 have higher rates of attendance over the key stage compared to those with the lowest attainment. DFE Working together to improve attendance Sep 2022


What happens if my childs’ attendance drops below 90 %

A  student with attendance below 90% as a persistent absentee.  This equates 19 days of absence across the year. Minor ailments, such as a headache or slight cold, are not acceptable reasons for failing to attend school.DFE Working together to improve attendance Sep 2022

Attendance below 90% is considered ‘Persistent Absenteeism’. We know some children have medical conditions which at times can affect their ability to attend school, however for the majority they should be in school full time. Our Attendance Officer monitors our attendance carefully and looks at individual cases in meetings with our Year Managers and Key Stage Leaders. We will ask you to provide appointment cards or medical notes in order to be able to authorise your child’s absence if it dips below 90%.

Holidays in Term Time/Leave of Absence

You must get permission from the headteacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time.

You can only do this if:

  • you make an application to the headteacher in advance (as a parent the child normally lives with)

  • there are exceptional circumstances

Only exceptional circumstances warrant a leave of absence. The Headteacher will consider each application individually, taking into account the specific facts and circumstances and relevant background context behind the request.  If a leave of absence is granted, it is for the headteacher to determine the length of the time the pupil can be away from school. 

Authorised Absences 

Please note that the decision of whether or not to authorise an absence rests with the school. 

All medical appointments should be taken out of school where possible. However, if your child is receiving medical or dental treatment, evidence should be provided.

We are likely to authorise absences for genuine illness, medical and dental appointments. We will not authorise absences for shopping trips, birthdays or other preventable absences. The full list of absence codes are contained in our attendance policy.

Students leaving the school site during the day for medical appointments etc. must have a note from parents stating the reason for leaving school. All students will need to be collected from the main reception to ensure a handover takes place.

It is absolutely vital that any student leaving the school site during the day signs out at reception and then signs back in again on their return to school. In addition, an adult must collect the student from the school. 

What do I do if my child is unwell ?

All absences must be notified by telephone by 8.30 am on the first day of absence stating the reason. Parents should then notify the school on each subsequent day of absence.

If a student is absent from registration/period1 and the school has not been notified, a text message will be sent notifying you of the absence and requesting you contact the school to provide a reason.

Reporting an Absence 

Ensure that your child attends school on time and everyday that it is open.  Please be aware that your child will receive a late mark if they arrive after the register has been taken at 8.40 am.

If a student is unable to attend school due to illness or for another authorised reason, parents should contact the Attendance Officer, Ms Ashken at the school on the morning of absence, before 9am. 

This can be done by either emailing

or calling 01582 870 900 and pressing 1 when prompted.

Acceptable reasons for absence include:

• Illness with medical evidence (if requested by the school)

• Medical emergency including dental emergencies

• Employment or education-related interviews approved in advance by the school

• Days exclusively set apart for religious observance, approved in advance by the school

Parents should avoid making non-emergency medical or dental appointments during the school day as this will impact on their child’s overall attendance. Where there is an unavoidable appointment, please contact the Attendance Officer in advance and ensure that photocopies can be taken as evidence of the appointment.

Unacceptable reasons for absence would include:

Excessive illness without medical evidence

Family holidays

Looking after siblings

Carrying out chores in the family home

Birthdays or anniversaries

Festivals unless they are religious observance days

General trips

Sporting events

Any form of employment during school hours including working in a family business, whether or not the student is paid.

Absences for the above reasons will be coded as unauthorised absences and may be subject to a fine by the Local Authority.

Attendance office email address:

The Attendance team contact information is as follows:-

Ms L Ashken– Attendance Officer: 01582 870912