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Results Day 2024 - Results up in every measure

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Overall, figures for our Year 11 students who competed their exams this summer 2024 are up in every measure compared to last year.

63% of students achieved standard passes in English and maths. This is essential for students to be able to follow their dreams and aspirations whether that be employment, apprenticeships, training or continuing to pursue education.  


Karen Hand, Headteacher, commented that she is extremely proud of staff and students and summarised the exceptional achievements of the Stopsley High School community below:

“I am beyond delighted for our incredible students that they are able to see their hard work, positive attitude and resilience reflected in their results. It is just as special an experience for staff as they watch the students open their results and then celebrate the good news with them, including celebrating with their families.”

“At Stopsley High School we firmly believe in celebrating and supporting individual students in equal measure by acknowledging the progress they have made from a range of starting points including overcoming individual barriers and managing personal challenges.”

GCSE Results day 2024 felt extremely positive as students were eagerly (and nervously) opening their envelopes; there were lots of smiles when students saw that their hard work had paid off and an atmosphere of excitement filled the school hall. There were many successes, but we spoke to a few of our highest achieving students and also students who made the most progress throughout their time at Stopsley High School. 

Pawel achieved exceptional results, including 4 Grade 9s in Biology, Chemistry, English Language and Physics and 3 Grade 8s in Art, Maths and Spanish. 

Aryan, another student who achieved fantastic results including Grade 9 in English Literature, Geography and Maths and Grade 8 in Biology, Chemistry, English Language and Physics.

Karen Hand, Headteacher, with Musab achieving top grades in all of his subjects

Sophie was thrilled with her results; her dedication to revision was unparalleled, leading her to achieve top grades in all her subjects.





Storm showed that determination and work ethic really does pay off and made exceptional progress in all of her subjects. Including a Grade 8 in Art and Grade 7 in English Literature. 

Storm is going to complete an Art Diploma with photography and said “I so am proud of all of my results, I focussed in lessons and attended all of the intervention sessions, hard work really pays off!”



Javid and Ahmad joined Stopsley High School having faced significant adversity in their lives before entering the UK and speaking very little English. We are extremely proud of their resilience and determination to succeed despite having been with the school for less than a year before completing their exams. As a result of their hard work, and the exceptional support they were provided with, they both achieved a Grade 4 in GCSE Maths.

Javid said “all of the staff at Stopsley are so kind and welcoming, I am so pleased and proud of my hard work”.


In addition, we were delighted to hear success stories from our previous students who received their A level exam results last week. Both Nawal and Dhillon achieved outstanding GCSE Results with us at Stopsley High School and went on to study A Levels. We were delighted to hear that Nawal achieved all A* grades in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and EPQ and will therefore be studying Dentistry at King's College London. Dhillon achieved A grades in Maths, Politics and French. As a result, he will be studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of Oxford.